Session MLOps

Platform and Features MLEs, a Scalable and Product-Centric Approach for High Performing Data Products

Wednesday Jun 14 / 04:10PM EDT

In this talk, we would go through the lessons learnt in the last couple of years around organising a Data Science Team and the Machine Learning Engineering efforts at Bumble Inc.

Speaker image - Massimo Belloni

Massimo Belloni

Data Science Manager @Bumble

Session ML in Practice

Back to Basics: Scalable, Portable ML in Pure SQL

Thursday Jun 15 / 02:55PM EDT

Redshift has SageMaker. BigQuery begat BigML. Spark birthed Databricks. Every data warehouse is tightly coupled to a particular ML stack.

Speaker image - Evan Miller

Evan Miller

Principal Statistics Engineer @Eppo (Creator of Evan's Awesome A/B Tools)